Sign Language Interpreter
On your finger tips

on demand sign language interpretation service offered by you 24/7 .

To be available in more platforms soon.

Why Every One Loves assistALL

From SME to Large multinational organisations, to individuals, assistALL helps all connect.

Voted as the best SLI app

  • Fully functional

    Ability to reach Sign Language Interpreter to easily, translate to the deaf to ease communication.

  • Support 24/7

    We offer 24/7 support, where you speak to a real human. To help sort your problems you experience.

  • Secure Data

    All data shared with us, is not shared by third parties, and its encrypted on transit. Privacy Policy

assistALL screenshot
  • Easy to Customize

    Organisation can customize how they use the app based on the use case of the company

  • Multi Platform

    Available in Google PlayStore, Apple Play Store, and On the web. making it universally available

  • Developer Friendly

    Can be integrated to your existing system, making it easy to pick up and keep moving.

How assistALL works?

How to easily get up and running.

Install the App

Download from Apple app store, Google Play Store or Huawei App Galley, or use the web version.

Setup your profile

Register on the app, Add a profile photo, add some funds to get, that's basically it

Enjoy the features!

Start using the app, we give offers and time tokens to most active users of the app


Frequently asked questions

Some of the questions we receive all the time.

Simply go to the play store and search for assistALL, download and install the application.

It is free to download on google app store, you are only charged when making a call to one of our qualified sign language interpreters.

A corporate user is a business entity with a business registration certificate or a certificate of incorporation

assistALL sign language interpreters are accessible 24hrs a day 7 days a week.

You can load money via Mpesa, PayPal or Visa. Just click on transactions tab and follow the simple prompts to load your mobile wallet.

You will be charged 30 shillings per minute.

Haven't find suitable answer? Tell us what you need.